Hello World,
We Are Cubert!

Cubert was founded in 2012 and remains the only manufacturer of hyperspectral video cameras using snapshot technology for real-time solutions.

Together, we shape the future of imaging.

Teamfoto Cubert Freisteller

This is what defines us.

We may be the only source for hyperspectral video imaging worldwide, but we see our customers as the true experts. They are the ones constantly discovering new applications, finding innovative ways to use our technology, and solving new problems with it. We simply provide them with the best tools to achieve this.

Although we are no longer a startup, we have retained the curiosity and unconventional approach of one. We love thinking outside the box, pushing technical boundaries—not for their own sake, but to create real value in practice. This results in lean, fast, affordable, and user-friendly products and solutions that enable technical breakthroughs in target markets.

Rene Heine Marie Theres Heine Cubert Hyperspektral

Cubert Milestones


The future Cubert team takes shape and receives the “Young Innovators” award from the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg for two years.


Cubert is founded by René Heine, Rainer Graser, and András Jung.


Introduction of the first camera, the UHD 285 Hedgehog, later renamed to Q185 and part of the FireflEYE product family. The world’s first true hyperspectral video camera.


Introduction of the UHD 185 FireflEYE, a lightweight camera designed for use with UAVs, later renamed to S185 and part of the FireflEYE product family. This model became Cubert’s most successful camera in its early years.


“Top Innovation Award” for the UHD 285 from inVision Magazine.


Introduction of the ButterflEYE product line, based on IMEC’s filter-on-chip technology.


Relocation to new 600 m² premises with ample space for production, offices, development, as well as a state-of-the-art optical laboratory and storage.


Partnership with perClass established, enabling machine learning-based classification algorithms as a real-time feature in all Cubert cameras.


Introduction of the world’s first hyperspectral light field camera, the ULTRIS 20.


Market launch of the ULTRIS 20 Plus, enhancing the hyperspectral light field camera with a second high-resolution sensor for high-resolution image fusion.


Awarded the GOLD Medal by the Vision Systems Design Innovators 2020, USA.


Introduction of the ULTRIS X20 (Plus), covering the wavelength range from UV to NIR with the highest quality.


Market launch of the smallest spectral video camera to date, the ULTRIS 5.


Cubert officially receives three new technology patents.

Our Team

We are a close-knit team of specialists in our respective fields, but we all share the passion for producing the best and most advanced high-resolution hyperspectral full-frame snapshot video cameras. Do you have questions? We have the answers!

René Heine Ceo Founder

Dr. René Heine

CEO, Co-Founder

Marie Theres Heine Key Account Manager

Dr. Marie-Theres Heine


Matthias Locherer Sales Director

Dr. Matthias Locherer

Sales and Marketing Director

Viktoriya Tsyganskaya Project Manager

Dr. Viktoriya Tsyganskaya

Project Manager for Research and Customer Projects

Sven Eiteljoerge

Sven Eiteljörge

Head of Operations

Julia Fibich Accounting

Julia Fibich

Accounting & Administration

Maximilian Muehlbauer Software Developer

Maximilian Mühlbauer

Software Developer

Benjamin Mueller Applications

M.Sc. Benjamin Müller

Customer Relations and Applications

Christiana Gavriil
Production Specialist

Christiana Gavriil

Production Specialist

Samuel Canadi Senior Developer

Samuel Canadi

Senior Developer – Software & Prototyping

Maximilian Czech Application Engineer

M.Sc. Maximilian Czech

Field Application Engineer

Simon Birkholz Software Developer

M.SC. Simon Birkholz

Senior Developer – Software & Process Engineering

Arnd Brandes, Leiter Softwareentwicklung Cubert

Arnd Brandes, M.Eng.

Head of Product Development

Robert Briegel Cubert

Robert Briegel

Head of Application Engineering

Philip Manke

Philip Manke

Senior Developer – Software & Hardware Acceleration

Barbara Darnell Cubert

Barbara Darnell

Sales Manager USA & Canada

Hannes Wendler

HAnnes Wendler
